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点击数:4264 来源:伟德bevictor中文版 作者: 录入:人员机构 更新时间:2018-11-23

杨峰 [教授]








2006-2010年在美国能源部-布鲁克海文(Brookhaven)国家实验室进行博士后期间,参与2项美国国立卫生院重大项目。目前,主持/完成3项国家自然科学基金,1项广西自然科学基金-重大项目1项广西自然科学基金-杰出青年项目2项广西自然科学基金-重点项目得广西“十百千”人才工程第二层次人选广西高等学校高水平创新团队及卓越学者广西自然科学基金-杰出青年;广西科学技术特别贡献奖(排名第3)和广西青年科技奖。独立开展工作以来,研究成果主要以通讯作者发表在Nature CommunicationsMolecular PharmaceuticsJournal of Medicinal Chemistry等国际医学和生物权威期刊40余篇;受邀在Curr Top Med Chem Curr Pharm Design 等国际权威医学刊物撰写综述;在Future Med ChemCurr Pharm Design国际权威医学期刊撰写专题评论(Editorial Article);担任美国化学会、ElsevierWileySCI国际刊物审稿专家,Curr Pharm Design 客座主编、The Open Medicinal Chemistry Journal The Open Clinical Biochemistry JournalFrontiers in Chemistry编委;授权国家发明专利7项。








2006-2010 美国能源部-布鲁克海文国家实验室(Associate Researcher)

2003-2006 中国科学院福建物质结构研究所(博士)

2000-2003 伟德bevictor中文版(硕士)



2010.12-至今, 伟德bevictor中文版(教授)

2010.4-至今, 药用资源化学与药物分子工程国家重点实验室(学术带头人)

2012.3-至今, bv伟德国际体育官网研究生学院(副院长)



Current Pharmaceutical Design(Bentham Science 出版社客座主编;

The Open Medicinal Chemistry JournalBentham Science 出版社, 编委;

The Open Clinical Biochemistry JournalBentham Science 出版社, 编委;

Frontiers in Chemistry编委;

Mol Pharm、J Med Chem、Eur J Med Chem、J Inorg Biochem等国际权威期刊审稿人.




1. Yue JP, Zhang Y, Liang WG, Gou XW, Lee P, Liu H, Lyv WQ, Tang WJ, Yang F*, Liang H*, Wu XY*. In Vivo Epidermal Migration Requires Focal Adhesion Targeting of ACF7. Nature Communications. 2016, 7: 11692. (综合性顶级期刊)

2. YL Ma, JP Yue, Y Zhang, CZ Shi, M Odenwald, WG Liang, Q Wei, A Goel, XW Gou, J Zhang, SY Chen, WJ Tang, JR Turner, F Yang*, H Liang*, HL Qin*, XY Wu*.ACF7 regulates inflammatory colitis and intestinal wound response by orchestrating tight junction dynamics. Nature Communications. 2017, 8: 15375.

3. Gou Y, Qi JX, Zhang Y, Jiang M, Zhou ZP, Wu XY, Yang F*, Liang H*. Developing anticancer copper(II) pro-drugs based on the nature of cancer cells and human serum albumin carrier IIA subdomain. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 2015, 12: 3597-3609. (药剂学顶级期刊)

4. Y Gou, Y Zhang, ZL Zhang, J Wang, ZP Zhou, H Liang*, F Yang*. Design of an anticancer copper(II) pro-drug based on the Lys199 residue of the active targeting human serum albumin nanoparticle carrier. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 2017, 14: 1861-1873.

5. Qi JX, Zhang Y, Gou Y, Zhang ZL, Zhou ZP, Wu XY, Yang F*, Liang H*. Developing an anti-cancer copper(II) pro-drug based on the His242 residue of the human serum albumin carrier IIA sub-domain. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 2016, 13: 1501−1507.

6. Qi JX, Gou Y, Zhang Y, XY Wu, Yang F*, H Liang*. HSA-based multi-drug delivery systems for combination therapy of three anticancer agents. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 2016, 13: 3098-105.

7. Yang F*, Yue J, Ma L, Ma Z, Li M, Wu X, Liang H*. Interactive associations of drug-drug and drug-drug-drug with IIA sub-domain of human serum albumin. Molecular Pharmaceutics. 2012, 9: 3259-65.

8. Wang J, Gou Y, Zhang Z, Yu P, Qi J, Qin Q, Sun H, Wu X, Liang H, Yang F*. Developing an Anticancer Copper(II) Multitarget Pro-Drug Based on the His146 Residue in the IB Subdomain of Modified Human Serum Albumin. Molecular Pharmaceutics, 2018, 15: 2180-2193.

9. Qi JX, Gou Y, Wu XY, T Wang, Yang F*. Developing anticancer ferric pro-drugs based on the N-donor residues of human serum albumin carrier IIA subdomain. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2016, 59: 7497-511.(药物化学顶级期刊

10. Gou Y, Zhang Z, Li D, Zhao L, Cai M, Sun Z, Li Y, Zhang Y, Khan H, Sun H, Wang T, Liang H*, Yang F*. HSA-based multi-target combination therapy: regulating drugs' release from HSA and overcoming single resistance in a breast cancer model. Drug Delivery, 2018, 25: 321-329.(IF=6.402)


1. Designing pro-drugs based on special residues of human serum albumin. Curr Top Med Chem. 2016, 16: 996-1008. (医学SCI 2)

2. Evaluation of interactions between platinum-/ruthenium-based anticancer agents and human serum albumin: Development of HSA carrier for metal-based drugs. Curr Pharm Design. 2015, 21: 1848-61. (医学SCI 2)

3. Interactive association of drugs binding to human serum albumin. Int J Mol Sci, 2014, 15: 3580-95. (IF=3.257)

专题评论 (Editorial Article):

1. HSA-based anti-inflammatory therapy: a new and improved approach. Future Med Chem. 2014, 6: 119-21. (医学SCI 2)

2. HSA-based drug development and drug delivery systems. Curr Pharm Design. 2016, 21: 1784. (医学SCI 2)

3. HSA IIA subdomain-based developing anticancer metal pro-drug: a new and improved approach. Future Med Chem. 2016, 8: 89-91.


(1) 国家自然科学基金(31460232): 抗凋亡蛋白(Bcl-2)/人血清白蛋白与抗肿瘤无机药物复合物的结构和功能(2015.1-2018.12)

(2)国家自然科学基金-重点项目(21431001): 基于中药活性成分金属抗肿瘤配合物研究(主持子课题, 2015.1-2019.12)

(3) 国家自然科学基金(21171043): 抗肿瘤先导植物药、金属基药物与人血清白蛋白相互作用研究(2012.1-2015.12)

(4) 国家自然科学基金(31060121): 外膜蛋白-CusC的功能和结构基础(2011.1-2013.12)







(11)广西院士后备培养工程:无机药物及其载运体系研究 (核心学术骨干,2017.7-2022.6)





